Use of negative pressure wound therapy after infection and flapdehiscence in radical vulvectomy: A case report
Antoni Llueca, Jose Luis Herraiz, Raquel Del Moral, Dolors Piquer, Yasmine Maazouzi, Blanca Segarra, Jordan Barres, Anna Serra
Vulvar cancer has a lower incidence in high income countries, but is rising, in part, dueto the high life expectancy in these societies. Radical vulvectomy is still the standard treatment in initialstages. Wound dehiscence contitututes one of the most common postoperative complications.
Presentation of case:
A 76 year old patient with a squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva, FIGO staged, IIIbis presented. Radical vulvectomy and bilateral inguinal lymph node dissection with lotus petal flaps recon-struction are performed as the first treatment. Wound infection and dehiscence of lotus petal flaps wasseen postoperatively. Initial management consisted in antibiotics administration and removing necrotictissue from surgical wound. After this initial treatment, negative wound pressure therapy was appliedfor 37 days with good results.
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